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Writer's pictureFresh Dose.

Featured Artist #4: Introducing Fya Fox on Fresh Dose.

As the fourth feature on the Fresh Dose. blog, we are introducing the ever so talent Fya Fox.

Each week Fresh Dose. will be featuring a new artist from our playlist on our blog to highlight great independent talent.

We asked Fya Fox three questions to help us understand a little more about her process behind Body.

1: Choose 3 words that best describe you as an artist?

Sweet but deadly...😎

2. What was your inspiration for writing this record?

It’s a sad banger! Dangling in the web of heartbreak! I imagine being on a dance floor giving it loads but crying at the same time.

3: Shout out section - who’s your favourite independent artist we should listen out for?

There’s so many! Check out Eiza Murphy, voice is amazing! Also her sister Lenii!👌

4: What’s your other favourite record on this week's Fresh Dose. Top 20?

Vibing with MIMOSAS by Nanô🖤

Find more independent talent by signing up to Fresh Dose. and subscribing below. If you want to be featured submit to our playlist.


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